-SAVE THE DATE: Sat., Feb. 8, 9am-1pm (1pm IS the correct end time)
--In light of numerous citizen requests, we will bring back drive-thru STYROFOAM RECYCLING, in which ALL types of Styrofoam are accepted, except peanuts.
--Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, 9am-1pm
--Parking lot at intersection of Valley Mills and Waco Drives, near the street, in front of Ocean Buffet.
--Styrofoam should be clean, with no obvious chunks of food. Please place tiny particles in a bag to prevent loss in wind.
--Please arrive early. If trucks reach capacity we must end the collection. We hope to be able to serve everyone.
--This service is provided FREE by our volunteers. Donations are accepted to offset the cost of renting trucks, but are absolutely optional.
--Recycling Styrofoam helps keep our environment free of plastic pollution, and the light weight of Styrofoam makes it prone to spread by wind. Plastic pollution in water may injure many types of animals and may enter the human food chain. Recycling plastic lessens stress to the landfill. Recycled plastic has a much lower carbon footprint than newly made plastic--vital in this time of the climate crisis.
--Many thanks for caring about our environment and climate.
--questions: email
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