Waco Friends of the Climate Distribution of "CLIMATE CRISIS IS HERE" Yard Signs at Out on the Brazos, October 7, 2023
Waco Friends of the Climate at "Out on the Brazos," Oct. 7, 2023, distributing FREE CLIMATE YARD SIGNS, and small climate action INFORMATION CARDS.
--It was a beautiful day, sunny with a high of about 75F, and large crowds.
--We gave away 25-30 yard signs and more business card-sized climate action information cards. We also collected 14 email addresses, which were not required to obtain a free yard sign.
I estimate we distributed 80-100 yard signs at the 2022 OOTB. The lower number in 2023 may be due to the presence of many return visitors, who already had yard signs.
--The summer of 2023 was the hottest summer in recorded history. The year was also punctuated by abundant floods, wildfires, droughts, and extreme hurricanes. Thus, I was troubled by frequent visitors who seemed to make light of the climate crisis, stating "I'm fine," when a sign was offered. How is one "fine" when our planet is burning, and millions are suffering around the globe?
--We did have conversations with several Baylor students majoring in Environmental Science, who were grateful for a yard sign, and interesting in becoming involved with FRIENDS OF THE CLIMATE.
--DEEPEST THANKS to our volunteers, who made the event possible: Candy, Ken and Chris Wilkins, Mike Tobias, Monty Suffern, and Sebastian Northcutt, the climate dog. I apologize for not have a photo of the Wilkins to post--I was cold at the beginning and not thinking sharply.
--If you are concerned about the CLIMATE CRISIS, raising awareness and increasing conversation about this existential threat, are very important. Waco lacks widespread, deep concern about the climate emergency, in my view. Displaying a yard sign is a method of increasing the conversation. To have a FREE YARD SIGN DELIVERED TO YOUR ADDRESS, email anorthc@aol.com
--To join our email list, email anorthc@aol.com
--Visit the organization website: www.friendsoftheclimate.org
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