6th Annual Climate Crisis Art Exhibit
--Waco Friends of the Climate will sponsor the 6th Annual Climate Crisis Art Exhibit, April 4-29, 2023, at Art Center Waco, 701 S. 8th. St., Waco, TX 76706.
--Artists should deliver entries to the Art Center March 31 and April 1. A maximum of 3 entries is allowed. Over 12 judged awards are given, up to $1000. Artists of all ages may participate. For complete instructions, go to www.friendsoftheclimate.org
--Art Center hours: Tues-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat. 10am-2pm, Sun-Mon closed.
--Admission is FREE and all are welcome.
--Various media represent the many dire impacts of the climate crisis on our planet. The art is both educational & inspirational.
--A constant slideshow details impacts of climate breakdown, as well as abundant innovative solutions, which provide hope in addressing this existential threat.
--Visitors may vote for their favorite art piece, in the "Peoples' Choice Award."
--Visitors may pledge individual actions to help combat the climate crisis through an interactive display,
--Complimentary climate information cards, and "Climate Crisis is Here" yard signs are available, as supply lasts.
--A FREE live reception will be held on Earth Day, April 22, 5-7pm, at the Art Center Waco. A short climate science slideshow, and awards will be presented.. Attendees are eligible for door prizes. Complimentary refreshments and wine are provided.
--Above find art from a previous climate show entitled "Firelight," by Natalie Stitt.
--Organization website: www. friendsoftheclimate.org
--Questions: anorthc@aol.com
--Artists should deliver entries to the Art Center March 31 and April 1. A maximum of 3 entries is allowed. Over 12 judged awards are given, up to $1000. Artists of all ages may participate. For complete instructions, go to www.friendsoftheclimate.org
--Art Center hours: Tues-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat. 10am-2pm, Sun-Mon closed.
--Admission is FREE and all are welcome.
--Various media represent the many dire impacts of the climate crisis on our planet. The art is both educational & inspirational.
--A constant slideshow details impacts of climate breakdown, as well as abundant innovative solutions, which provide hope in addressing this existential threat.
--Visitors may vote for their favorite art piece, in the "Peoples' Choice Award."
--Visitors may pledge individual actions to help combat the climate crisis through an interactive display,
--Complimentary climate information cards, and "Climate Crisis is Here" yard signs are available, as supply lasts.
--A FREE live reception will be held on Earth Day, April 22, 5-7pm, at the Art Center Waco. A short climate science slideshow, and awards will be presented.. Attendees are eligible for door prizes. Complimentary refreshments and wine are provided.
--Above find art from a previous climate show entitled "Firelight," by Natalie Stitt.
--Organization website: www.
--Questions: anorthc@aol.com
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