JAN. MEETING: COP27 CLIMATE SUMMIT -- Report from Sharm El-Sheikh
Waco Friends of the Climate will hold its January
business meeting and film on Tuesday, January 24, at the South Waco Library
(2737 S. 18th St) large meeting room. The meeting will start at 6:00 pm and will
last until around 8:30. Vegan refreshments will be provided. If transportation is needed to attend the event, email anorthc@aol.com or text 254-744-1682. Alan Northcutt was fortunate to attend COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt the first two weeks of November. Dr. Northcutt's Powerpoint presentation will provide all our members and visitors with the experience of attending this climate summit. His talk will cover the beach resort setting, the exuberant grounds, the climate art, Green Zone and Blue Zones, the education and inspiration, and the outcome of the negotiations. The future of our planet will largely be determined by the outcome of the annual COP meetings. We earnestly request the presence of all members at this event. Support our climate struggle here in Waco. Place the event on your calendar now, and invite one friend, relative, or work colleague to join you at the South Waco Library. The program will begin with a short business meeting. We encourage all of our members to attend this meeting -- for the education, but also for solidarity with other climate activists and for growth of the organization. In addition, members can volunteer for one of our upcoming climate projects.
EARTH DAY 2023: Free Tree (carbon sink) Distribution On Earth Day 2023, April 22, we will distribute 500 cedar elm seedlings at the Downtown Farmers' Market. This event is our 3rd such free tree giveaway. We will need multiple volunteers, we and hope for a response from our members as generous as the last 2 times. We will offer a sign-up opportunity at the Jan 24, 2023 FOC meeting.
CRISIS ART EXHIBIT: April 4 through April 29 We are excited to hold the 6th annual show at Art Center Waco! After several years of virtual exhibits, the artists are also enthusiastic about a live show. Drop-off of art will be March 31 and April 1; hanging of art will be April 1-3; and the grand opening will be April 4. The reception, with the announcement of winners, will be April 22. The last day of the exhibit will be April 29, and art pickup will be April 30 and May 1. For now, we need our members to do the following: |
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