Instructions For Art Delivery
From Alan Northcutt:
Greetings Climate Crisis Artists:
The first day for delivery of art for the 5th Annual Climate Crisis Art Exhibit is TODAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. We have already had TV coverage even though the show has not begun, and I am excited about the prospects for another outstanding show. The last day for delivery is NOVEMBER 30. Below are instructions for delivery of the art for photography for this all-virtual exhibit.
Remember that each artist may submit up to 3 pieces of art. Art relevant to the climate crisis that was previously created is acceptable, as long as it was not entered in this show before.
Please deliver to: 619 Stone Manor Dr., McGregor, TX 76657. This is the Stone Creek Ranch Subdivision. As you head toward McGregor on Hwy 84, turn left at the Stone Creek Ranch sign. I will place the "there is no planet B" flag at my mailbox to make it easy to identify the house, which is on the corner.
Please park on the street to avoid blocking the driveway. Bring the art up the driveway, and leave on a table in the garage.
To ensure proper identification, please attach 2 index cards or pieces of paper index card size (duplicates), each with the following info:
- Name of artist
- Title of piece (year completed)
- Medium
- Dimensions in cm.
- Price or Not for Sale, with preferred contact information for the sale
- Contact info for return of art (phone text number or email address).
Artists will be contacted when photography is complete and pieces may be picked up.
Sale of art is accomplished between the artist and buyer. Friends of the Climate does not take part and receives no proceeds from the sale.
We ask that artists notify me if sale is done so that I may place the red dot on the sold art.
Note that about one month remains until the deadline for receipt of art. Thus, there is still time if you have not begun your piece. Also, remember that artists may enter from anywhere in Texas.
Recall that full instructions are on our website:
For questions, contact me at
The extreme weather events of 2021 and the findings of multiple new climate reports remind us that we truly live in a climate emergency. COP26 has concluded, with pledges computing to 2.4C temperature increase in 2100—far above the goal of 1.5C. Clearly, the world has a long road ahead in this struggle. Many scientists will observe that the most important action we can all take to combat the climate crisis is to talk about it and spread the word. With your art, you all have the unique ability to spread awareness of the climate crisis in a manner more powerful than words.
Thank you for caring about our planet and for joining the 5th Annual Climate Crisis Art Exhibit.
Alan Northcutt, MD
Alan Northcutt, MD
Waco Friends of the Climate
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