When: Saturday, April 3,
2021, 9a.m. until 1p.m.
Where: Parking lot at the corner
of Waco and Valley Mills Dr., in front of Ocean Buffet, look for 2 UHaul
trucks. What: The task will be obtaining the Styrofoam from the vehicles, bringing it to the trucks, bagging it in huge industrial size bags, placing the bags in the UHaul trucks.
PPE: Per the CDC, masks are still mandatory. Gloves are optional.
Snacks: Provided.
Weather: High temp at that time about 61F, only 7% chance of rain.
Why: 1) to decrease material in the landfill 2) to decrease GHG emissions associated with production of new plastic. Use of recycled plastic has a lower carbon footprint. 3) Decrease plastic pollution of the soil, water, and atmosphere.
A couple months ago some members may have volunteered for
April 3. Since it was so long ago, we want to have people confirm
they wish to volunteer on Saturday. Because of our new procedure
requiring bagging the plastic, we will need more volunteers.
If you can volunteer Saturday, please email Alan the time you
are available: anorthc@aol.com
You have helped the Styrofoam Recycling
Program become a unique and popular event--one not seen in cities even
larger than Waco. To help us continue this service for our
environment, please email now to volunteer: anorthc@aol.com. Thank
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