TIME-- Waco 9 am until 1 pm: Travis, Harrison, Alan Waco 9 am until 11 am: Monty Waco 11 am until 1 pm: Bobbie Waxahachie trip/unloading 1 pm until approx. 4:30: Travis, Casey, Alan (If something comes up and you are unable to volunteer, please text Alan at 254-744-1682) SAFETY: Volunteers should wear appropriate masks at all times. Hand sanitizer will be available. LOCATION: Two U-Haul trucks will be parked in the lot at corner of Valley Mills and Waco Drives, in front of Ocean buffet, near the street along Valley Mills side. Trucks will be labeled "free styrofoam recycling." PROCEDURE: The public has been requested to stay in their cars and wear masks. We will ask that the public stay in their cars and we will retrieve the styrofoam from the trunks and back seats. We will also give the drivers a Friends of the Climate business card with the date of the next collection. If possible, leave the cards in the trunk or back seat, rather than attempting to hand to the customer. Occasionally, members of the public will leap out of their cars to help; please try to maintain social distancing from these folks. CARS: We typically have a long line of cars to process. We will try to keep the line away from the front of the Ocean buffet entrance. STYROFOAM: We can accept food containers, cups (no lids), molded pieces, large fragments, no peanuts. If smaller pieces are received in a plastic bag, we will leave in the bags. TRANSPORT: The 2 U-Hail trucks will be driven to Waxahachie, where they will be unloaded by Travis, Casey and Alan. DONATIONS: If any members of the public should offer donations, we can accept those, with thanks. Please give these to Alan or Harrison. Of course donations are not required and we do not ask for donations. QUESTIONS: Please email me at anorthc@aol.com. If urgent or on Saturday, call or text 254-744-1682. If no answer, please leave a message. Deepest thanks to all of our volunteers. |
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