URGENT Go Renewable Waco ACTION
TIME TO ACT: Now and before 11a.m. Nov. 3, 2020
WHY?: Next step in our ongoing Go Renewable Waco campaign. Help us continue this struggle.
WHAT IS THE CITY OF WACO DOING?: At the City Council session Nov. 3, the Council will consider a revision of the Sustainable Resource Practices Advisory Board. During our climate emergency this Board has been missing in action for about one year now. The changes they plan to make during this first reading of the ordinance are extremely weak. So we all must comment.
Take this 5 or 10 minute action, to press the City to adopt serious climate goals, not vague euphemisms. And we will let the City feel the persistence and resolve of the Go Renewable Waco campaign. THANKS to everyone who participated (if any questions, email anorthc@aol.com).
WHY?: Next step in our ongoing Go Renewable Waco campaign. Help us continue this struggle.
WHAT IS THE CITY OF WACO DOING?: At the City Council session Nov. 3, the Council will consider a revision of the Sustainable Resource Practices Advisory Board. During our climate emergency this Board has been missing in action for about one year now. The changes they plan to make during this first reading of the ordinance are extremely weak. So we all must comment.
- This will be very quick and easy for all members, but it is vital.
- This is easier to do on a computer. Go to the Comment Form: https://www.waco-texas.com/council-speaker.asp#gsc.tab=0
- To fill out the form: meeting date is Nov. 3, 2020
- Agenda item: ORD-2020-792
- If some boxes aren't mentioned here, don't check them
- Short description of agenda item: SRPAB revision
- First and last name: complete
- Applicant or representative box: write "applicant"
- Email address: complete
- Phone number: No
- Address: complete
- Comment: Below is a sample comment. Of course, if you wish you can read all the pages on the agenda packet and write a more extensive comment.
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