Important Announcements

Meetings are currently held on the 4th Tuesday, 6pm, at the South Waco Library, 2737 S. 18th St., Waco, TX 76706. Meetings occur most months, but each should be confirmed by an announcement on this website This website can now be reached entering the following URL: Free "climate crisis is here" yard signs may be obtained by emailing To join our email list and be informed of meetings, events, and campaigns, please email Alan at Scroll down to "Sixth Annual Climate Crisis Art Show Winners."

Climate Art Show Update

From Alan Northcutt:

Greetings Climate Crisis Exhibit Artists—

The opening date for the 4th annual exhibit is coming up in about 8 days. Many thanks to those who have already delivered their art for it to be photographed. Of course, if you deliver on September 29th that is fine. But if you have completed your piece(s) we ask that you deliver it now.

A couple of notes about the show:
  • The website for the show now has a countdown: When the show opens we will also have a mechanism to vote for the People's Choice Award.
  • One of our loyal members has requested that we pick up the art and we have agreed to do so. I realize that traveling toward McGregor may be a hardship for some folks. Thus if you should need pickup of your art, please email me ( and I will be happy to pick up your art as well.
  • Thank you for caring about our climate. We only have 10 years, according to the IPCC, to cut GHG emissions 45% to avoid climate catastrophe. To accomplish this requires action at the federal level -- and that's where you all come in. To obtain robust federal action on the climate crisis requires a public demanding and supporting such action. And your work is key in educating and inspiring Wacoans to demand federal climate action.
Thanks to everyone for helping make this year's show as beautiful and powerful as the 2019 show. And remember that your chances of selling your work will likely increase with the virtual format.

Thanks to everyone for their entry or entries in the exhibit,

Alan Northcutt, M.D.
Waco Friends of the Climate
