Climate ZOOM Presentation, Thurs, July 23, 7 pm
All Waco Friends of
the Climate members are invited to a ZOOM meeting presented by the McLennan
County Democratic Party this Thursday evening. I will provide a 15 minute
Powerpoint talk on the climate crisis. The meeting will also function as
a fundraiser for the Democratic Party. I encourage all of our members to
attend: the climate lecture will be of interest. And if possible, a
contribution to the Democratic Party would be nice. We are all aware of
the fact that Donald Trump and his minions have made our climate crisis even
If you are able to attend, please use the following link to register now. Thank you!

Waco City Council Action NOW: Please HELP!
From Alan Northcutt:
The City of Waco agenda for July 21 includes an item for the purchase of some 16 Ford Interceptor SUVs for the police, with a total expenditure of $856,551. As you recall, we managed to have the Sustainability Board present recommendations to the Council stating the City should move toward electric vehicles (EVs).
Now these Interceptors are hybrids, but they have terrible efficiency of about 19-24mpg. Clearly, the City can do better. Multiple police departments are now using battery-electric cars and Waco should act now on this transition rather than purchasing 16 more GHG emitting SUVs.
Thus I request everyone to take a couple of minutes to comment on the City website in support of my comment to strongly evaluate EVs now, rather than approve this Interceptor purchase. Here is what to do:
- Go to the City of Waco website:
- Scroll down to "agendas here"
- Look on the page for "City Council meeting July 21:"
- On that line click on "agenda"
- Scroll down on the agenda to item "RES-2020-480"
- At the end of the item click on "Comment Card"
- Fill out the Comment Card
- Basically, just state something like the City must seriously evaluate the EVs on the market and NOT approve the Interceptor purchase.. With many members commenting, the City will be likely to act.
Complete this by 11 am, July 21st.
The following is my more detailed comment for reference. I also had two attached files with details. Many thanks for taking action.
The Sustainability Board recommended last year that the Council begin the transition away from fossil fuel vehicles. Although the multiple vehicles for purchase in this Resolution are hybrids, the economy is very poor, with combined city/hwy mileage ranging from 19 to 24 mi/gal, depending on engine. The agenda states that no electric option for the Ford Interceptor is available--this is true if you limit your search to ONLY this model car, which does not come as a full electric. So the City must do a real search, looking at all the EVs available.
Many cities are now using electric police cars: Hyattsville Maryland uses the Chevy Bolt, Seattle the Nissan Leaf, Bargersville Indiana the Tesla Model 3, Australia the Tesla Model X, and Europe the Hyundai Kona.
The City should seriously look at the options. Attached is a file showing a list of EVs. 3 EVs are marked with "X" and should be considered. They are all cheaper than the Interceptor. The Tesla Model 3 is faster than the Interceptor, the Kia Niro is a small SUV and the Chevy Bolt can save the City money. Also attached is a file showing Hyattsville, Maryland's experience with the Bolt, in which they saved $15,864 over 5 years in fuel costs alone.
The City will never transition to electric vehicle by continuing to do what was done in the past. We recommend that rather than automatically approving this purchase today, the City take a serious look at all EV options.
Thank you, Alan Northcutt, MD
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