Another Victory
Earlier this year the City of Waco announced it would utilize 100% renewable electricity for its 2022 power contract. Well, today we learned that the City staff will recommend at the Council meeting Tuesday that it include rooftop solar on its proposed Fire Station #6 to be built soon. The Council will vote Tuesday but approval appears probable. There is no doubt that we have influenced this Council to move toward renewable energy, and other areas of decarbonization. In fact, we have repeatedly called for solar on all new City construction, especially at Council meetings. It has taken about 2 years, but the momentum for progress seems to be building. Thanks to every member who has contributed to the success of the Go Renewable Waco campaign.
To solidify the fire station news and add to the progress, we ask that each member who has a couple of minutes take these simple actions--they should take no more than 5 minutes.
- Send a message to your Waco councilperson and the Mayor. To do this, follow this link: Then find the tab to go to the Mayor and your specific councilperson's page. You will then either fill out a comment page or send an email.
- Inform these 2 Council members that you strongly support the proposal to do rooftop solar on Firestation # 6. This is RES-2020-335 on the agenda. Thank them for this progress
- Next, let them know that this fire station also must be all electric--no natural gas. (The agenda packet does not specify this point so we must assume gas may be planned). You can point out that it makes no sense to install gas now when it will need to be replaced with electric by 2050--a huge waste of funds.
- A $2 million parking facility for the Tx Ranger Museum is also on the agenda for approval, RES-2020-337. Please let your Councilpersons know that this is the perfect opportunity to install EV charging in this lot. Request their support for 2 or more Level 2 EV chargers to be installed in this lot. (Two Chargepoint Level 2 chargers would only cost about $20K). This would be good for the climate, support the future of transportation, help visitors and tourists, and improve Waco's image.
We remain hopeful that we will be able to carry out these events as the pandemic begins to fade. But the possibility of a 2nd wave exists and there is no certainty at this moment. So we will monitor the science and carry out these events as soon as possible. We will keep everyone up to date on our plans, including our awesome volunteers for these actions. We DO encourage artists to work on their climate pieces now, as we will definitely hold the exhibit, even if the science requires a delay.
On April 22, we held a wonderful virtual rally on Facebook. Participation was very generous, with powerful images submitted or posted by around 20 members. It really helped mitigate the feeling of isolation, and we offer deepest thanks to all who participated. If you haven’t seen the pictures, check out the previous post on this website.
If you haven't participated in our Facebook group, please join us: Waco Friends of Peace--Climate.
A major target of protests now is banks that fund Arctic drilling or other fossil fuel extraction. "Stop the Money Pipeline" is the slogan of some of these actions. I have been considering a local protest at a bank such as Bank of America or Chase. We could do so safely, I believe, with 6ft. spacing on sidewalks and mandatory face masks. My question: would you be willing to participate in such a direct action? Please email with your thoughts, pro or con.
I feel certain that members share my feeling of frustration at this slowing of the pace of climate activism. But I am hopeful that the pandemic has reminded climate deniers of the critical nature of science. The following are actions we can all take to keep activism alive:
• Participate in actions described in FOP/C emails.
• Make comments on virtual City Council meetings through the City website.
• Write letters to the Editor of the Waco Tribune-Herald.
• Talk about the climate crisis to everyone in your sphere.
• Practice personal sustainability.
• Do a large sustainability project--rooftop solar or an EV.
• Join us on Facebook.
• Read climate science books, listen to podcasts
• Spread the word--always talk about the climate crisis.
Thanks to all our members for their dedication and perseverance. I believe the arc of history bends toward science, as well as toward justice.
Alan D. Northcutt, MD, Director
Facebook: Waco Friends of Peace--Climate .
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