Important Announcements

Meetings are currently held on the 4th Tuesday, 6pm, at the South Waco Library, 2737 S. 18th St., Waco, TX 76706. Meetings occur most months, but each should be confirmed by an announcement on this website This website can now be reached entering the following URL: Free "climate crisis is here" yard signs may be obtained by emailing To join our email list and be informed of meetings, events, and campaigns, please email Alan at Scroll down to "Sixth Annual Climate Crisis Art Show Winners."

Local Action: City of Waco 4/11/2020

COMMENT TO WACO on Brazos Promenade Project.
Recent City of Waco Council meetings have included discussion of the waterfront project termed Brazos Promenade.  We had about 3 comments from our members which were read into the record at the April 7th session. Obviously we need many more members to get involved.  If you have 5 minutes to spare during these social distancing times, please use them to take part.  For our organization to have a voice we need much greater participation.  Remember the victory on municipal all renewable power--we must keep working to maintain our momentum.

How to say it:
This is incredibly easy and quick.

  1. Go to the Waco City Government page:
  2. Look for links to the left or in a menu listing Mayor and Precincts 1 through 5.
  3. Use the links to go to the page of your Councilperson and the Mayor.
  4. To communicate, each individual will have a form to fill out, or their email address will be stated.  Make a short statement to your  Councilperson and the Mayor. 

What to say:
The point is that the construction of a riverfront project called Brazos Promenade should be built with sustainability in mind.  This is especially true given the fact that our tax dollars will be funding the project and that the year is 2020.  The Brazos Promenade will include residences, retail, restaurants, small office spaces, hotels, green spaces.  So please write from your heart, but here are some suggested inclusions:
  • in 2020 construction without green technology will be out of date            
  • all buildings should have rooftop solar if feasible for the roof conditions.
  • all buildings should be all electric, no gas.
  • all structures should purchase 100% renewable energy from their utility, e.g., Green Mountain.
  • EV charging facilities are a must in 2020.  This can consist of  110V outlets, 220V. outlets, Level 2 chargers, or Level 3 chargers. 
  • green roofs on some buildings would be aesthetically amazing for this promenade and could cool roofs and generate produce/flowers.  
  • support vehicles for these businesses should be battery-electrics.  
  • whatever GHG cutting technology you can
We MUST increase participation for our voice to count.  We are disappointed with our last council meeting and we implore our members to act now.  This action is very quick and not difficult.  But if the Councilpersons and Mayor are bombarded with messages about this project, we believe we can see action. If any questions:

Thank you for caring about our climate.  We know that the climate crisis is not going away because of the pandemic.  And we know that in the long  run, if the world does not take robust action on GHG emissions,  the outcome will make COVID-19 seem like child's play.  
