April 2nd Update From Alan Northcutt
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are all absorbed with obeying the epidemiologist's recommendations and helping as we can. You may also feel like me that our climate work has reached a standstill. In reality, there are things we can do. And we must act since Trump and his evil henchmen are using this opportunity to further destroy our planet. Taking action is superior to despair. Here are actions you can take during this time:
See details below on how to act on City & National issues. Thanks for your dedication, and stay safe.
Alan D. Northcutt, M.D.
Facebook: Waco Friends of Peace-Climate

CLIMATE ACTION Directed to the City of Waco
During the COVID-19 social distancing the City Council is continuing to hold virtual meetings and we should continue to comment when climate is at issue. During the most recent meeting of March 31st the following item was found on the agenda:
"Discussion of the Brazos Promenade development, including a proposed amendment to the Development Agreement with Catalyst Urban Development, LLC".
This is a huge project involving hotels, office space, walkways, parking lots, green spaces, etc. In 2020 this project should clearly include green technology. Thus I submitted a comment online. The following is my comment, as an example:
Before the next City Council meeting on April 7, I will provide
instructions on how to comment in the next email.

GO RENEWABLE WACO: Let's Continue the Victory Momentum
After the victory of the City decision to go all renewable in their power contract for 2022, we presented a spread sheet at Council Meeting demonstrating that EVs may actually be cheaper on a lifecycle cost basis. After that, the pandemic engulfed us, and its a difficult time to make progress on climate. I have proposed that FOP/C donate a Level 2 charger for the CIty, destined for Cameron Park, and the City handle the installation and upkeep. Since other organizations make donations to the City, this seems like a reasonable proposal that would help lower emissions, represent concrete evidence of the CIty's concern with climate, and be a good PR action for our organization.
Many of our member know Dave. He clearly recognizes the climate crisis and is much stronger on climate than his opponent Dillon Meek. I have his yard sign in my front yard, and he has requested our members also host yard signs if possible. I encourage our members to do this. If Dave should win, it would be vastly easier to accomplish our climate agenda. If you can display a sign, please email Dave at: dave@dave4mayor.com.
- VOTE on a possible name change if you have not: keep Waco Friends of Peace/Climate or simplify to Waco Friends of the Climate.
- Call on the Waco City Council to approve steps to decarbonize on all City decisions.
- Take action to oppose the Trump's administration horrendous assault on our climate and clean air and water.
See details below on how to act on City & National issues. Thanks for your dedication, and stay safe.
Alan D. Northcutt, M.D.
Facebook: Waco Friends of Peace-Climate

CLIMATE ACTION Directed to the City of Waco
During the COVID-19 social distancing the City Council is continuing to hold virtual meetings and we should continue to comment when climate is at issue. During the most recent meeting of March 31st the following item was found on the agenda:
"Discussion of the Brazos Promenade development, including a proposed amendment to the Development Agreement with Catalyst Urban Development, LLC".
This is a huge project involving hotels, office space, walkways, parking lots, green spaces, etc. In 2020 this project should clearly include green technology. Thus I submitted a comment online. The following is my comment, as an example:
The published details of the Brazos Promenade include retail space, restaurants, small office space, hotels, parking courts, parking structure, and covered parking, streetscape, and open spaces. This project may provide improved quality of life for Waco and business opportunities. However, it should be remembered that the City and the world are facing a climate crisis, and this should be included in the planning. Remember that the US Conference of Mayors unanimously approved a resolution that its members, which includes Waco, adopt a goal of becoming 100% renewable powered. The designers and builders of this project should be required to include green technology in this proposal. We must begin to include climate considerations in all Council decisions. Possible solutions in this project include:all electricity in all structures, no gas; rooftop solar on all structures in which feasible; covered parking spaces with solar in roofs; 110v and 220v outlet in some spaces in parking garages; Level 2 and Level 3 EV chargers in parking spaces and hotels; green roofs on larger buildings. These are just a few examples. Developers should be required to incorporate some such green technology in their plans.So I encourage our members to take action and also comment on this Brazos Promenade development. My comment is just an example and I hope that many of you will provide input in your own words. Since that meeting has passed, the best way is to email your council person and Mayor or comment on their comment page on the City website. To do this now, just go to:https://www.waco-texas.com/council.asp. Find the tabs on the left and go to your councilperson and mayor. Instructions on how to comment will be found at the link. This would be a great method of letting the Council members know that we believe climate action is vital and mandatory in 2020. .
Thank you.

CLIMATE ACTION to oppose TRUMP'S Attack on our Planet.
Trump and his evil minions have used the cover of COVID-19 to sneak through actions designed to further damage our climate and worsen air and water pollution. Rather than despair, we must act.
1. Trump has wrecked the EPA and has rolled back efficiency standards for vehicles. And as you know, transportation is now the #1 source of GHG emissions in the U.S. To make your opposition known, join the campaign of the Union of Concerned Scientists at this link:
2. Trump's EPA will halt enforcement of environmental safeguards during the pandemic. Please join the Sierra Club campaign to reverse this dangerous gift to polluters.

This event was originally scheduled for April 18, 4 days before Earth Day. We have received a fresh supply of the canvas bags, and the Downtown Farmer's Market continues to be open with mainly fresh foods for sale, without cooked items, art, or music. I found a list of about 20 vendors. My thought is to either go early and provide bags for all vendors or to have a table as before. We can place our climate information cards in the bags. I am in touch with the Farmer's Market about this. Either way, I can handle this effort and no one else need risk being out. If the vendors agree to give out their wares in our bags this could turn out to be an excellent way to increase awareness of plastic pollution and of the climate crisis.

We have postponed the April 26th collection to maintain social distancing. Although we could conduct this and keep space between ourselves and our patrons, we will postpone since there is no real urgency in this project. I would hope to conduct this in June or July, especially since my garage is filling up with early donations. We will keep everyone updated when we schedule a replacement date. And please save your personal styrofoam.

4th ANNUAL CLIMATE CRISIS Art Exhibit: September 30 through October 24, 2020
The Call for Artists has been sent out this week, in hopes that by October social distancing will not be required. In any event, we felt we must inform artists now if we are to continue with excellent participation numbers. The big change this year, to accommodate student entries, is an October rather than September show month. We will continue at the beautiful Waco Winery venue and our cash awards have increased to $3200. To find the detailed Instructions for Artists and simple entry form, please go to: www.friendsofpeace.org
The climate show is our biggest event of the year. So we ask all members to do 2 things at this time:
ADDENDUM: There is a possibility that COVID-19 could extend into October or that a second wave of the disease could occur. If that happens we can convert this show to an online show, with the same judging, People's Choice and prizes. Maybe the educational component could reach MORE people? Thus in some form we are committed to the 4th Annual Climate Crisis Art Exhibit.
- If you are an amateur or professional artist, please start planning and thinking and acting to begin your piece for the show. Up to 3 pieces may be entered.
- Spread the word about the show to artists you know, as well as students. Supply them with the URL for the Artist Instructions.

GO RENEWABLE WACO: Let's Continue the Victory Momentum
After the victory of the City decision to go all renewable in their power contract for 2022, we presented a spread sheet at Council Meeting demonstrating that EVs may actually be cheaper on a lifecycle cost basis. After that, the pandemic engulfed us, and its a difficult time to make progress on climate. I have proposed that FOP/C donate a Level 2 charger for the CIty, destined for Cameron Park, and the City handle the installation and upkeep. Since other organizations make donations to the City, this seems like a reasonable proposal that would help lower emissions, represent concrete evidence of the CIty's concern with climate, and be a good PR action for our organization.

Many of our member know Dave. He clearly recognizes the climate crisis and is much stronger on climate than his opponent Dillon Meek. I have his yard sign in my front yard, and he has requested our members also host yard signs if possible. I encourage our members to do this. If Dave should win, it would be vastly easier to accomplish our climate agenda. If you can display a sign, please email Dave at: dave@dave4mayor.com.
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