After working on the Go Renewable Waco campaign for 2 1/2 years, a victory was reached on February 18, 2020, almost exactly 2 years after our kick off presentation to the Waco City Council. The Council announced that the 2022 7-year energy contract for municipal power needs will be provided by 100% renewable energy. MP2 Energy Texas, LLC is the energy provider and will sell Waco energy from five wind and solar companies, including Chapman Wind and Prospero Solar. Most important is that this decision will slash the City's GHG emissions. In addition, the new contract is projected to save the CIty $413,781.00 annually.
Clearly, the Waco Friends of Peace/Climate provided the impetus and inspiration for the City to consider moving to renewable energy. In fact, our members will remember the pushback we received in the early months, in which City officials claimed renewable energy was more expensive than fossil fuels. But we persevered, with multiple Powerpoint presentations to City groups, in which we documented that wind and utility scale solar are in fact cheaper than combined cycle natural gas energy. And in recent months we spoke at almost every Tuesday City Council meeting.
And in the end our truth prevailed: the climate is protected and the City will save money on electricity purchases. And for this victory we thank every member. Every contribution mattered: meeting attendance, donations, Sustainability Board presence, voices at City Council, petition collection, etc. It would not have happened without us all. Thank you deeply for making this victory possible.
The power contract is important, but it is only part of a total green economy. We must transition to renewables for transportation, buildings, heating, cooling, cooking, agriculture. And this transition is the municipal sector, plus residences and businesses. Thus the task is Herculean, and clearly a powerful leader within the City is required to inspire and guide action.
Therefore, we call on the City to hire an Assistant City Manager for Sustainability and Climate. This person must be totally versed in climate science, the IPCC timeline for action, and climate solutions. So please sign our petition--it only takes 1 minute. And after signing determine how you can best enroll others to sign the petition and take action. We are only at 166, with a goal of 1000. Thus we need all members contributing on this effort. We cannot stop now. Here is the petition link:
If your target
individual does not have access to this link, they may simply:
1. Go to www.change.org
2. In the search bar, type "waco climate manager" and the
petition will pop up
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