Next Sustainability Board Meeting Feb 7th
Waco City Hall, 300 Austin Ave, Waco, TX 76701
3rd Floor Conference Room
Assemble 3:45pm, Session begins at 4:00 pm
Wear green FOP/C Tshirt or other light green shirt if possible.
Dinner provided following session.
From Alan Northcutt:
The Jan 17 meeting was deeply disappointing. But we must show the Board members that we aren't going away, and that our support for a clean energy future is unwavering. Our strategy is still evolving, but we will fight with all our energy. Of course we MUST have 10 supporters so that we get our 10 minutes of time to speak.
Although the Jan 17th meeting did not go well, our resolution WAS placed on the Feb. agenda. Thus there is still hope in the campaign and we need to be 100% engaged.
I have NO doubt we can do it for the 3rd time. And it’s vital that the Board recognizes the depth of our commitment.
Since Councilman Kinnaird threw a brick at our effort on Jan. 17th, and I believe was summoned to silence us, I think we should also be emailing him NOW. Please take a couple of minutes to send him a short email. Note that his email address is on the City website and is thus in the public domain:
What to say when contacting these Board and Council members? Several of our members and supporters have asked me this question. I believe the most effective communication would be brief and state whole-hearted support for the Go Renewable Waco campaign and for the 100% renewable transition for the City. (Although members may have great alternative plans, at this point I don’t think it would be helpful to write a long volume with a different proposal. This would create confusion in the recipient.) Our goal is to write that we support the 100% renewable energy transition, that it has been proven feasible by 6 cities that have already reached the goal, and that support for this action is widespread, including from citizens, abundant corporations, universities, countries, and the US Conference of Mayors. We are united in our request for this step by the Board. And please ask for their vote YEA at the very next vote opportunity.
Our plan is to communicate with members of the SRPAB and let them know that a strong statement from the board for a renewable and clean energy transition is mandatory. Hiding behind semantics and word games makes no sense in a world facing an existential threat of anthropogenic climate change. I believe our communications should be strong, but respectful.
Wiley Stem III was the loudest voice on the Board for inaction. We ask that everyone go to his comment page and voice dissatisfaction with his position and firmly request a powerful statement from the SRPAB for a 100% renewable energy economy in Waco.
Mr. Stem's comment page:
Also, please contact the other Board members (see Jan.22nd post), through Facebook messenger, Facebook pages, organizations, or if you find their email address. Their names are public on the Waco website, but contact information is not provided. Contacting Janet Wallace is crucial since she is Chair of the Board and is definitely on Facebook. Ashley Millerd is also on Facebook. They know we have 1187 names on our petition now, but direct communication from Wacoans will be powerful.
3rd Floor Conference Room
Assemble 3:45pm, Session begins at 4:00 pm
Wear green FOP/C Tshirt or other light green shirt if possible.
Dinner provided following session.
From Alan Northcutt:
The Jan 17 meeting was deeply disappointing. But we must show the Board members that we aren't going away, and that our support for a clean energy future is unwavering. Our strategy is still evolving, but we will fight with all our energy. Of course we MUST have 10 supporters so that we get our 10 minutes of time to speak.
Although the Jan 17th meeting did not go well, our resolution WAS placed on the Feb. agenda. Thus there is still hope in the campaign and we need to be 100% engaged.
I have NO doubt we can do it for the 3rd time. And it’s vital that the Board recognizes the depth of our commitment.
Since Councilman Kinnaird threw a brick at our effort on Jan. 17th, and I believe was summoned to silence us, I think we should also be emailing him NOW. Please take a couple of minutes to send him a short email. Note that his email address is on the City website and is thus in the public domain:
What to say when contacting these Board and Council members? Several of our members and supporters have asked me this question. I believe the most effective communication would be brief and state whole-hearted support for the Go Renewable Waco campaign and for the 100% renewable transition for the City. (Although members may have great alternative plans, at this point I don’t think it would be helpful to write a long volume with a different proposal. This would create confusion in the recipient.) Our goal is to write that we support the 100% renewable energy transition, that it has been proven feasible by 6 cities that have already reached the goal, and that support for this action is widespread, including from citizens, abundant corporations, universities, countries, and the US Conference of Mayors. We are united in our request for this step by the Board. And please ask for their vote YEA at the very next vote opportunity.
Our plan is to communicate with members of the SRPAB and let them know that a strong statement from the board for a renewable and clean energy transition is mandatory. Hiding behind semantics and word games makes no sense in a world facing an existential threat of anthropogenic climate change. I believe our communications should be strong, but respectful.
Wiley Stem III was the loudest voice on the Board for inaction. We ask that everyone go to his comment page and voice dissatisfaction with his position and firmly request a powerful statement from the SRPAB for a 100% renewable energy economy in Waco.
Mr. Stem's comment page:
Also, please contact the other Board members (see Jan.22nd post), through Facebook messenger, Facebook pages, organizations, or if you find their email address. Their names are public on the Waco website, but contact information is not provided. Contacting Janet Wallace is crucial since she is Chair of the Board and is definitely on Facebook. Ashley Millerd is also on Facebook. They know we have 1187 names on our petition now, but direct communication from Wacoans will be powerful.
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