We now have over 1000 signatures on our petition requesting that the City Council of Waco pledge to go 100% renewable by 2050. The next step is our 10 minute Powerpoint presentation to the City Council on Feb. 20, where we will make our case for the importance of Waco taking the pledge. At that time we need a huge crowd of supporters to help emphasize to the City the strength of the renewable energy movement. Thus we fervently request that everyone plan now to attend Feb. 20 if possible.
The petition and organization endorsements are important, but vital is a meeting room filled with live supporters. So please plan to attend, and invite everyone you know who supports the rapid growth of renewable energy. Remember: the science is clear that we must convert our energy system completely to green energy by 2050 to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.
Below are the details for the FOP/C action on February 20th:
The petition and organization endorsements are important, but vital is a meeting room filled with live supporters. So please plan to attend, and invite everyone you know who supports the rapid growth of renewable energy. Remember: the science is clear that we must convert our energy system completely to green energy by 2050 to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.
Below are the details for the FOP/C action on February 20th:
- Waco Convention Center Bosque Theater, 100 Washington Avenue, Waco
- Arrive by 5:45pm (session begins at 6:00pm).
- If transportation needed, contact Travis Hipp : hipptravis@gmail.com
- Not necessary to fill out card at entrance.
- Simply enter theater and sit together.
- Wear some shade of green top, shirt, blouse, etc.
- Our single presenter should begin within 20 minutes of session beginning and will last for 10 minutes. We may leave after the presentation is completed.
- Our organization will provide dinner to all attendees after the session (details to follow).
- Please forward any remaining petition signatures to: anorthc@aol.com.
- MOST IMPORTANT: to FILL the theater with a sea of green. Please bring everyone from McLennan County you can find-- family members, kids, friends, colleagues, co-workers, etc. We would greatly appreciate all our BAYLOR friends support on this day.
- Questions: anorthc@aol.com
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