Important Announcements

Meetings are currently held on the 4th Tuesday, 6pm, at the South Waco Library, 2737 S. 18th St., Waco, TX 76706. Meetings occur most months, but each should be confirmed by an announcement on this website This website can now be reached entering the following URL: Free "climate crisis is here" yard signs may be obtained by emailing To join our email list and be informed of meetings, events, and campaigns, please email Alan at Scroll down to "Sixth Annual Climate Crisis Art Show Winners."

Progressive Film Series: November 13th, 2014


Thursday, November 13th
Poppa Rollo's Pizza
West-Bank Meeting Room
703 N.Valley Mills Dr.
6 PM Business & Buffet
6:30 Film & Discussion
Runtime: 53 Minutes

Greenpeace is one of the top environmental organizations, and it does not compromise with the fossil fuel industries as have some of the big greens.  The film tells the story of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, which sailed to the Arctic in 2013 to protest Russian oil drilling within the Arctic Ocean.  The entire group of activists and crew of the ship were seized at gunpoint by Russian special forces and held in a Russian jail.  The "Arctic 30" gained international attention as environmental and human rights leaders from around the world called for their release.  BLACK ICE is an intense portrayal of this drama, filmed live during the protest and arrests.

Email to to be placed on the Friends of Peace email list. 
