Please submit comments on the Keystone XL pipeline:
Right now we are in the middle of the last public comment period for
Keystone XL -- one of the very last steps before President Obama makes his
decision on the pipeline, and the final opportunity to give your input (in an
official way).
This is one of those things where numbers really count, and a flood of
comments would show the President that there’s a huge risk, politically and
scientifically, to approving the pipeline.
The last time the State Department was accepting comments, we
submitted over 1 million as a movement. I think we can top that this time around
-- click here to submit your comment against the pipeline:
Here are the three major
messages we need to be getting across to President Obama right
First, he has all the evidence he needs
to stop the pipeline. It’s simple: building an 830,000 barrel-per-day
pipeline of the world’s dirtiest oil will have an impact on the climate. No
amount of spin can change the underlying economic reality that Keystone XL will
allow big oil to dig up, refine and burn more tar sands than they could with any
other available options.
We take the President at his word when he said
that he would reject the pipeline if it has a significant impact on the climate,
and now the evidence is in: it does.
Second, any effort to build the pipeline
would be deeply compromised by big oil’s corruption of the process.
ERM, one of the main contractors behind the State Department’s report, is a dues
paying member of the American Petroleum Institute, big oil’s main lobbying
group, and counts TransCanada as one of their clients. This is like the fox
guarding the henhouse, only it’s our climate that needs defending.
Third, we can either have Keystone XL,
or a safe and livable climate -- ‘all of the above’ is not an option.
We are past the point of building fossil fuel infrastructure and hoping for the
best -- Keystone XL isn’t compatible with even the President’s weak climate
goals. After 6 years of supporting more fossil fuel projects while saying he’s
committed to climate science, President Obama needs to finally decide if he
wants to be a climate champion, or be remembered as the pipeline
This is the last chance to formally comment on the pipeline before it goes
to the President’s desk for a decision. We’ll keep making ourselves
heard in many other ways too -- but I think sending a strong message in this
forum is critical to showing the President that the science is serious, and that
we’re serious too.
Here’s where to go to submit:
Let’s send this message loud and clear!
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