The Friends of Peace Billboard
The new Waco Friends of Peace billboard is now up. It's located across from Baskin Robbins on Wooded Acres.
best scientific models indicate with rising temperatures and melting arctic
ice, sea levels will continue to rise. Miami and New York City will be
flooded by the sea by the end of this century.
will experience increasingly severe weather, worse droughts, the spreading of
temperature-sensitive diseases, starvation and food insecurity, unrest and
climate refugees, and increasing conflict between nations.
are some actions that we as individuals can take to help in the attempt to halt
global warming?
- Call President Obama and insist that he not approve the Keystone XL pipeline: 202-456-1111.
- Write your comments against the pipeline during the comment period for the U.S. State Dept. Go to
- RECYCLE. Recycling is available in the Waco area for paper, metal, plastic and glass. Each time you anticipate throwing an object away, think about recycling instead.
- REPAIR. Repairing our material possessions instead of discarding them saves our planet's resources and saves us money.
- CONSERVE. Every time we save energy, we allow fossil fuel to stay in the ground. Saving energy is the easiest form of green energy action.
- DRIVE HYBRID OR PLUG IN ELECTRIC CAR. Multiple models are now available. Not only does it feel great to do the right thing, these cars are fantastic vehicles to drive.
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