Letter to Congressman Flores
The following letter was endorsed by 27 Friends of Peace members and faxed to
Rep. Flores' Washington office on March 12, 2012:
The Honorable Bill Flores
U.S. Congressman, District 17, Texas
Washington, D. C.
March 8, 2012
Dear Congressman Flores:
your constituents in District 17 and members of the Waco Friends of Peace we
call on you to oppose wars in Afghanistan and Iran. The 10 year Afghanistan war is not making our country safer, is
opposed by approximately 75% of Americans, and wastes 1 billion dollars a week,
at a time when funds are vitally needed at home. As many beat the drums for war with Iran please remember that our
16 intelligence agencies are unanimous in the opinion that Iran is NOT building
a nuclear bomb. Therefore, diplomacy is
the logical approach, one that will save billions of dollars and perhaps
millions of lives.
At each opportunity we call on you to vote to
end immediately the war on Afghanistan and against military action on Iran.
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